How Our THRIVER Cancer Coach Program Works

personal cancer coach program

Curious about how our unique THRIVER cancer coach program works? Here is a brief overview of the process and methodology. Discover how cancer coaching can support your journey of positive change, recovery and rehabilitation. 

Instant noodles, instant coffee, instant gratification. We demand that modern life be instant. But healing from serious illness doesn’t work like that. It takes time and careful effort. Even if you deal with the symptoms, you are at risk if you neglect to address the root cause.

It is particularly tricky with cancer because there is no single root cause. Cancer is a multi-factorial disease and arises from within. Similarly, its healing must be multi-dimensional and arise from within you.

A Holistic Cancer Coach Program

The THRIVER Program is a carefully designed and structured cancer coach program to support your journey from victim/survivor to thriver. Further, it follows a holistic approach that deals with the whole person. It takes into account all the aspects of a person you are: your body, mind, emotions, relationships and spirit.


How Our Cancer Coach Program Works

1. Free Online Diagnostic

You start by taking a free online diagnostic. This Holistic Health Questionnaire is our proprietary tool to help you uncover your Stressors and Strengths. Based on your answers, you will receive a comprehensive individualised report. Thereafter, you can choose to sign up for a free 30-minute online consultation with one of our SHERPAs, who will help you understand your report better.

2. Assigning your SHERPA

You will be matched with a trained and certified SHERPA, based on your type/ stage of cancer, your location and your profile. Your SHERPA will be your friend, mentor and guide on your journey to becoming a THRIVER. He/she will enable and support you to walk the path from trauma-to-transformation. Each SHERPA has been handpicked and trained. Very importantly, our SHERPAs have first-hand experience of the cancer crisis and how to deal with it. Click here to view Sherpa Profiles.

3. Online Coaching: 16 sessions over 16 weeks

You will receive 16 online coaching sessions of 60 – 90 minutes each. They form part of a structured and standardised ‘protocol’ which has been extensively tested and published in the book ‘My Cancer Is Me – The Journey From Illness To Wholeness‘. Since it is an experiential program, you will undertake 10 different activities, where you will work with all 5 Stressors. Besides, you will maintain a journal and complete prep-work and home-work. Further, you will create a comprehensive Personal Equilibrium Plan (PEP). Click to view the Detailed Session-wise Outline.

4. Tracking Progress

You and your SHERPA will monitor your progress using the Quality Of Life Index (QOL). This proprietary tool provides an easy way to gauge how you are doing and to make course corrections when required.

What you will gain from our cancer coach program

cancer coaching programOur aim is to help you to:

1. Process your fears and challenges safely

Cancer creates its own expectations, fears and challenges. The coaching approach and methodology are designed to put you at ease, so that you can surface and deal with them in a safe and compassionate space.

2. Address your stressors and optimise your immunity

Since stress, immunity and illness are closely linked, it is critical that you ‘discover’ and ‘recover’ from all your stressors and leave no stone unturned. This restores peak immunity and is your best chance to be free from illness (Aarogya) and move towards wholeness/ well-being (Swaasthya).

3. Apply powerful tools for your healing

Your SHERPA will teach you various techniques that are drawn from many medical and healing systems like Yoga, Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, etc. Specifically, you will learn the following

4. Find meaning in your cancer experience 

You will learn to view cancer as a ‘fork in the road’ and not a ‘bump in the road’. This fork can point you in a new direction. It helps you move away from the comforting but stifling notions of normalcy, i.e. life as you have always known it. Instead, it can take you towards growth and transformation.

5. Create a back-to-health action plan

Finally, as a way to take charge of your healing, you will create a comprehensive Personal Equilibrium Plan (PEP) that you commit to implementing.

To enrol for the THRIVER program, please contact us or email to enrol.  


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