Healing Visualisation: Free Download
Cancer is one of the rare disease where the treatment is probably more dreadful than the disease itself. The side-effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy...
Ayurvedic Treatment for Cancer: An Introduction
In this interview, Dr M. B. Rajashekhar tells us how according to Ayurvedic thought, having the three doshas out of sync might be a cause of cancer and how synthetic materials in our diet lead to Cancer.
Yoga Promotes Quality Of Life Among Breast Cancer Patients
Yoga and meditation provide emotional healing and leaves you feeling more relaxed and optimistic.
How Hypnotherapy Approaches Cancer
Hypnotherapy is being used more and more, even for illnesses like Cancer. A practicing Hypnotherapist tells us how this powerful approach can complement mainstream cancer treatment.
Celebrity Thriver: Lance Armstrong (Testicular Cancer)
World champion cyclist, Lance Armstrong seemed invincible till he was diagnosed with testicular cancer
Celebrity Thriver: Suzanne Sommers (Breast Cancer)
When Hollywood actress Suzanne Somers was diagnosed with breast cancer in the April of 2000 she was shocked with the news.
“I’m very strong, and...