Healing and the Mind: By Bill Moyers – The Art of...
In this instalment, Bill Moyers visits various medical professionals who are doing their best to bring together the science of medicine (cure) with the art of healing (care).
About ‘My Cancer Is Me’ (The Book)
The inspiring story of one man’s relationship with his cancer and how it healed him …
Healing and the Mind – Wounded Healers (6 of 6)
In the final instalment of the series, Bill Moyers gives us an inside view of a successful holistic and integrated program for cancer patients.
The Cost of Cancer: Critical Illness Cover (2 of 5)
A conversation with Financial Planner, Lovaii Navlakhi, gives you the must-know information about the critical illness cover; a must-have if you have a family history of cancer.
The Healing Power of Illness (Dethlefsen & Dahlke): Book Review
Thorwald Dethlefsen and Rudiger Dahlke explain their powerful insight: "Illness comes to heal us".