About Cancer Awakens: How To Win Over Cancer

win over cancer with an holistic approach

Cancer Awakens examines and supports what it takes to win over cancer: first as a survivor, then as a thriver.

To win over cancer, you need effective and timely support

I (Vijay Bhat) am a Mumbai-based Cancer coach. I am keen to share my learnings and perspectives gained over the last 17 years, both during my personal cancer journey and our work with other people who have experienced cancer.

Unfortunately in India and elsewhere,  awareness of and access to effective, high-quality cancer support is sorely lacking. Since cancer is a global problem: by 2025, it is estimated that 1-in 3 Americans (100 million people) and 1-in-13 Indians (another 100 million people) will get cancer. The total number is likely to be as high as 1-in-10 (750 million people!). So, we dedicate this site for the benefit of cancer patients, care-givers and experts everywhere.

My cancer diagnosis

In 2001, our lives were turned upside down by my colon-cancer diagnosis. Facing this challenge, I looked at the statistics for cancer survival. They painted a gloomy picture. Not wanting to become one of the ‘statistics’, Nilima and I began to study the ‘anecdotes’ i.e. those rare individuals who have successfully lived beyond cancer.

How holistic therapies helped me win over cancer

As we went deeper and deeper into all the material that was available, it became increasingly clear that psychological, social and spiritual factors play a critical role in healing, just as they do in illness.

Early into my treatment, we took the unconventional decision to include holistic therapies to complement mainstream medical (Allopathic) care – a real turning point and a decision we believe, which gave our family a second chance to live life differently.

You too can win over cancer

Through this site, we hope to share the empowering lessons, tools and resources that helped us and which can help other families faced with the difficult cancer journey to eventually win over cancer.

Enrol for our flagship Thriver Program to transform your relationship with cancer. This unique Holistic and Integrated program will help you process your fears and concerns safely, uncover your stressors and strengths, and rebuild your immunity. The program consists of 16 x 1-hour online coaching sessions, spread over 16 weeks. Click on https://cancerawakens.com/get-cancer-coach-thriver-program/ to get started.

The online coaching is delivered by our trained Sherpas (coaches), who will serve as your friend, mentor, and guide. Each Sherpa is uniquely qualified to help you walk the path from ‘trauma-to-transformation’, because they are Thrivers or caregivers themselves. They will support you in reframing cancer as a growth experience (i.e. an opportunity to thrive) rather than a death-sentence (i.e. meaningless suffering, stoically and bravely borne). Click on https://cancerawakens.com/help-yourself/cancer-coaching/sherpa-profiles/ to view their profiles.

May we all awaken to the prospect of transcending cancer. We owe it to ourselves and to the world!

To read more of Vijay and Nilima’s story, click here

Essential Reading on CancerAwakens.com

  • A different look at how illness is caused; click here
  • Holistic & integrated medicine: An introduction; click here


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