When To Find A Holistic Cancer Coach?

need a holistic cancer coach

People suffering from cancer are on TWO journeys, simultaneously. The first is your physical/ medical journey, which starts with your diagnosis and proceeds through your treatments. The second is your internal/ attitudinal journey, which often starts with the feeling of being victimised. Your Holistic Cancer Coach (SHERPA) can help you to see and traverse both, confidently.

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and imagine …

You’re living the life you aspired for, in the way you always wanted. You’re fulfilling old dreams, you’re also making new ones. You are taking better care of yourself and your health. Your relationships are warmer, richer, closer. It’s like a second life, a rebirth. You’re happier, you’re a thriver.

Becoming a thriver is possible for thousands of people. What about you? Our unique THRIVER program provides a personal coaching service to support your journey of positive change, recovery and rehabilitation. Click here to view the Program Overview and Detailed Session-wise Outline.

At what stage can a holistic cancer coach help?

holistic cancer coach can help Your holistic cancer coach can provide the right kind of help when you need it the most. You can enrol for the Thriver Program at any stage of your cancer journey … the earlier, the better!

1. Just diagnosed 

The post-diagnosis stage can be extremely confusing, even disorienting! You grapple with new information, too much (or too little) information, and misinformation. You must face your own doubts and vulnerabilities. You’re concerned how your loved ones will accept and cope with this news. Most of all, the road ahead scares you.

“How could this happen to me?”
“Who is responsible?”
“Why is Life so unfair?”
“Why am I powerless to change things?”

You don’t have to navigate your way all alone in the storm. You can seek help from a Cancer Awakens Sherpa.

2. Under-treatment

This stage is probably even more difficult. You deal with the pain and discomfort of the strange hospital environment. The surgeries, treatments, side-effects and uncertainty about the future are taking a toll on you. You’re physically and mentally exhausted. Nothing is in your control. You feel powerless and helpless.

“Why Me?”
“What have I (and my family) done to deserve this terrible suffering?”
“The uncertainty is unbearable!”

Wouldn’t it be great to have a Cancer Awakens Sherpa to support you? They are either thrivers, caregivers or practitioners themselves, so they “been there and done that”.

3. Recurrence/ Metastasis 

find your holistic cancer coachEven though the cancer experience left its scars, you were trying to limp back to normal life. Suddenly, you are dismayed to discover that the cancer is back … or that it has spread.  You managed to stay strong after the first blow but the second one has shattered you. How do you pick the pieces now? You’re also wondering if it is worth going through all that again.

“I try to be positive, but it isn’t working!”
“I feel diminished and somehow disgraced”
“Is Life worth living?”

Your SHERPA can help you to reframe and make meaning of this difficult situation. So you can refuse to become a victim and stay on the victor’s path.

4. Palliative            

You may even be in a situation where the doctors have done their best and declared you as a ‘no hope’ case. You know you’re on a slippery slope and you may have only few months to live. How do you come to terms with this, and help your family do the same? Perhaps you have some unfinished business to complete and some relationships to mend.

“How long do I really have?”
“What can I do, to buy some time?”
“Have I completed everything I wanted to?”

You can count on your holistic cancer coach to guide and support you during these tough times.

5. Family history

Maybe one of your parents or grandparents had cancer. You know you’re at some risk. Besides, your own lifestyle may have additional stressful risk factors. So you fear the worst. But you want to do something about it. Is there a way to prevent, or at least reduce the risk of, cancer?

“My employees depend on me … and so does my family!”
“Just too busy juggling, where’s the time? I’ll get to it later.”
“I know there’s a risk; but I’m managing the stress, somehow.”

Prevention is always better than cure. A Cancer Awakens Sherpa can guide you to take the necessary steps towards optimum immunity and a healthier life.

6. Caregiver

Or you may be a caregiver to a loved one. You have been thrust into this role, untrained and unprepared. Adding this huge responsibility can be physically and emotionally exhausting. When you are so absorbed in giving care, how are you taking care of yourself?

“How will I do it all? I don’t even know what is required of me.”
“My loved one has become  irritable and vulnerable. I want to help but I don’t know how.”
“I am trying my best to take good care of my loved one. But I feel miserable.”

Don’t let the doubts and pressures bring you down. Your SHERPA can help you create a road-map during this uncertain and challenging journey. Click here to view Sherpa Profiles.

There is no time like NOW to work with a Holistic cancer coach. To enrol for the THRIVER program, please contact us or email anamika.chakravarty@cancerawakens.com to enrol.  



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