The Journey (Brandon Bays): Book Review


The roots of cancer – both its triggers and its healing – are often found in our emotional, rather than our physical make-up. In her book ‘The Journey’, renowned healer Brandon Bays offers a step-by-step approach to let go of lifelong emotional and physical blocks, and to discover the ‘best version of yourself’. Are you ready for your own ‘Hero’s Journey’?

“You are equivalent to being five months pregnant; with a tumour the size of a basketball,” said the doctor looking into the eyes of Brandon Bays. This ‘pelvic mass’ has grown from your abdomen way up to your rib-cage and is pressing against your diaphragm, making it hard for you to breathe.”

Brandon felt as if someone had knocked the air out of her. She began trembling.

Trying to digest the news, she asked the doctor what exactly it meant and what her options were. The doctor replied that “Surgery is your only option and it has to be immediate. It’s not just the size of the tumor but also the amount of blood you are losing.”

But I’m a Holistic Health practitioner!

Brandon felt really embarrassed because for over 15 years she had been in the holistic healing field, learning and practicing all she could about healing the body and mind. She had lost count of the health seminars and workshops she had attended … and now this!

She tried to walk-her-talk and finally broke the silence by saying

“How much time will you give me to try and stop the internal bleeding through medical hypnosis or something like that?”

Most reluctantly, the doctor gave her a month’s time.  And thus began Brandon’s extraordinary journey of healing!

The Breakthrough

Her breakthrough (or “drop-through” as she calls it) came when she let go of all her emotional issues, which she had carried from childhood and which had manifested as physical ailments. Brandon describes the whole process very vividly, so it is well worth reading the book!

Six-and-a-half weeks later the size of the tumor came down from the size of a basketball to a six-inch cantaloupe! Her doctor was shocked, but remained skeptical and in spite of this, she continued her healing process, until she was fully cured.

A roller-coaster yet highly inspirational ride

The Journey by Brandon BaysThe book suggests a step-by-step approach to let go of lifelong emotional and physical blocks, and discovering the best in oneself. This is at the core of healing.

Today, workshops and trained facilitators in ‘The Journey’ are helping thousands of people to heal themselves by experiencing the boundless joy within.

For more informartion, please browse


  • What emotional wounds – regret, guilt, loneliness, betrayal, abuse etc. – are you carrying? How can you let them go?
  • It is quite natural to have doubts and suspicions about holistic healing approaches. Who can you discuss them with?
  • How can you use the power of your mind to support your body to heal?


The Journey” by Brandon Bays


Written by Anisha Peter, a first year student of Mass Communications from Mount Carmel College, Bangalore.

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