Caring For Children With Cancer: My Experience


If cancer can completely shatter the life of an adult, imagine what it can do to a child. Samiksha Foundation supports children with cancer and their parents during the difficult cancer journey. 

Children’s zest for life, despite their cancer

Samiksha Foundation is an exclusive learning and activity centre for children with cancer. Recently, I did a 1-month internship with them and here’s what I’d like to share.

Even though they have cancer, these children are so bubbly and full of life! Their innocence captivated me right from the start and their smiling faces would draw me towards them. It was a pleasure being with those kids who were so active and eager to learn things. They enjoyed just being together: to learn, draw, listen to stories or practice yoga.

Their excitement knew no bounds whenever they learnt new things. They would take pains to read, write and draw; their tiny hands always ready to do anything that would bring them joy.

How Samiksha Foundation supports children with cancer

What makes Samiksha unique is that creative visualization techniques, art therapy and yoga sessions are also part of the regular program, with the belief that happiness brings about healing.

As an intern, I was given tasks like:

  • Assisting the teachers (Ms. Vidyavathy and Ms. Parvathi) in checking homework
  • Teaching them English, Kannada and Maths
  • Binding books
  • Assisting the Yoga teacher (Swami Yogaratna)
  • Updating the database, etc.

Working with these children was an enjoyable and fulfilling experience and I have great memories to take home with me. I would love to work with them again.

My heartfelt thanks to Ms.Sandhya Sharad for giving me the internship opportunity and my gratitude to the teachers for their support and co-operation.


To know more about Samiksha Foundation’s work with paediatric cancer, please click here.


This experience is shared by Melanie Mendonza, a student of Christ University, pursuing an MS degree in Communication.



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