Back To School After Cancer: Tejas’ Story


What happens when a child returns back to routine after cancer? Samiksha Foundation made an effort to make Tejas’ treatment hopeful rather than sad and gloomy. See how it helped Tejas take his cancer journey positively and bounce back. 

Little Tejas was diagnosed with cancer

Tejas Kumar was diagnosed with cancer in 2009, when he was just 6 years old and studying in the 1st Standard. He had been hospitalised for over a year, undergoing treatment for a rare cancer of the spinal cord and neck. Because of this, he had to miss his entire 2nd year of school and came to Samiksha whenever he could, during his treatment. We are delighted to report that in late 2010, Tejas returned home, re-joined school and lives a normal life with his family.

Embracing life after cancer

In April this year (2011) we received a call from Meenakshi, Tejas’ mother. I remember her well, as an encouraging ‘ward-mom’, always helpful, enthusiastic, smiling and hopeful for the kids. Unlike many mothers there, Meenakshi was a well-travelled, educated and talented woman; she had left behind 2 older sons at home to be with little Tejas at the hospital. She had called to enquire about our well-being and update us of Tejas’ progress.

She bubbled with joy. Tejas had done very well at home and at school. In his 3rd Standard exam, he got 79% marks, even though he had missed the whole 2nd year. With pride and joy, she thanked the Samiksha team for helping Tejas get back to school and a normal life. She also reported that whenever he was upset with his regular routine, Tejas wishes he was back at the Samiksha school in hospital, where he was happy and had so much fun.

Thank you Meenakshi for acknowledging our work.

And good luck Tejas! We all wish you well and a great school year ahead. We hope you do not have to come back to our school ever again! Cheers to your new life!


  • After your cancer treatment, what steps can you take to become physically healthier again?
  • How can you embrace life again and live it to the fullest?


Article contributed by Sandhya Sharad, Founder of Samiksha Foundation. To read more articles by Sandhya, please click here. To know more about Samiksha Foundation and their various activities related to paediatric cancer, please click here.


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