4 Genes Associated with Increased Risk of Colo-rectal Cancer Identified

A research team has identified variations in genes that are linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer.

Celebrity Thriver: Kylie Minogue (Breast Cancer)

Australian actress and chart-busting singer, Kylie Minogue was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. She underwent treatment and returned to her singing career in just a couple of months.

Smoking Kills: A Parody By Dr. Dilip Nadkarni

Enjoy Dr. Dilip Nadkarni's light-hearted and thought provoking song on the cancerous effects of smoking.

The Cost of Cancer: Are You Prepared? (1 of 5)

Cancer is a very expensive disease and can throw your family's long-term plans awry. Renowned financial planner Lovaii Navlakhi tells us 4 ways to be better prepared for such a crisis.

Will Banning ‘Gutka’ Really Reduce Mouth & Throat Cancer?

Our response to Madhya Pradesh's Gutka ban. We believe it may not reduce cancer if Gutka users are not supported in de-addiction.

Conventional Cancer Treatment: Cancer Basics (Part 4 of 4)

Mainstream (allopathic) cancer treatments include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and biotherapy.