Meet Sherpa: Anand Tendolkar

Caregiver from 2008-2013: Ovarian Cancer

We are happy to present Anand Tendolkar, one of our newly minted Cancer Awakens Sherpas. After many years as a successful corporate executive, Anand certified as a Professional Coach and a facilitator of Transformational Leadership. He has a B.E. (Mech) and an MBA (IIM Bangalore). He is based in Mumbai.

I was the primary care-giver to my wife Anuja, for 5 years, before she passed away in 2013. she was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer (Stage 3B) and had surgery, followed by multiple chemotherapy treatments. The care-giver experience was very intense … it brought anuja and me closer than ever before.

My biggest lesson

The importance of surrender and acceptance.

My motivation to become a cancer-coach

I wish to use my experience as a care giver and my gifts as a coach to make a difference to as many people as I can.

My experience at the Coaching workshop

It was an absolutely outstanding program and I enjoyed the experiential activities very much. Not only did I gain a deeper understanding of myself, I was able to crystallise my life-purpose and commit myself fully to it.

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