Meet Sherpa: Sunil Issar

Thriver since 2006: Oral Cancer

We’re honoured to introduce Noida-based Sherpa Sunil Issar to you. Sunil became a Business Consultant and Entrepreneur, after many years as a successful corporate executive. He has a B.A. (History), a MBA and he is a Certified Executive Coach and a Six-Sigma Black Belt.

I was diagnosed with Oral Cancer (Stage 3) in 2006. I underwent surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. I have been in remission since then. Cancer, like other illnesses, is curable if you believe it really is. More than 50% of the battle is in the mind and once that is primed, the recovery seems smoother. The reality is that each of us will die someday so it is not about avoiding death but enjoying a higher quality of life while you are alive.

My biggest lesson

Living with cancer is a reality that we can’t ignore. What is important is how we choose to deal with it at a personal level as well as a family unit. A positive approach has benefited me and I’d like to share that.

My motivation to become a cancer-coach

I am already coaching people diagnosed with cancer informally, using my coaching skills and my own experiences. I’d like to share my insights and gain from the insights / experiences of the group.

My experience at the Coaching workshop

Very enlightening and fulfilling! There is need to focus on a thought-through and well-structured protocol, to help people understand their cancer from a non-medical perspective. I got deep insights and huge clarity on how I can successfully coach and mentor people affected by cancer. A phenomenal program!

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