Meet Sherpa: Anju Kurien

Thriver since 2011: Breast Cancer

Meet Anju Kurien, another Cancer Awakens Sherpa. Anju heads the HR function for a leading media agency. She has a BA (Honours) in Philosophy.

I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer (stage 3) plus a Liver nodule in October 2011. I underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, as well as Meta-healing and Cancer-coaching. I have been in remission since. Cancer gave me a fabulous understanding of my body and myself. It made a deep impact. When I made myself the top priority, my actions changed the family too.

My biggest lesson

Listening to your body; the mind-body-spirit connect; Yoga Nidra; Cellular Healing Meditation and other techniques.

My motivation to become a cancer-coach

I had a steep learning curve which helped me heal. And there are many that came by to support me. I want to extend the same support to anyone who is faced with cancer and help them heal themselves.

My experience at the Coaching workshop

Truly outstanding program! It was an excellent balance between healing myself and learning to coach. There is a PROCESS of transformation … it involves finding one’s higher purpose and aligning all aspects of one’s life with it.

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