Let Cancer Show You A New Path


We’re taught to think that illness is caused by foreign influences, outside our body and often outside our control. So we see cancer as the enemy. But the truth is that is a warning sign that something is wrong for within. Learn how to befriend and win over cancer.

Cancer – a foe or a friend?

Cancer. The big, bad C. The dark monster that has to be surgically excised, chemically eradicated, and battled till our dying breath. We are conditioned to believe that illness needs to fought and gotten rid of. We’re taught to think that illness is caused by foreign influences, outside our body and often outside our control.

However, cancer and many auto-immune diseases arise from the inside. When we pay closer attention to this, we begin to understand the critical role that our inner experiences, thoughts and emotions play in the cause and cure of cancer. We begin to see that cancer, like other serious illnesses, presents an opportunity for deeper self-awareness and growth.

How honouring cancer helped me win over cancer

1. New direction of life

I am convinced that the purpose of my cancer experience was to impel me to take the ‘fork-in-the- road’ and change the direction of my life, which otherwise, I would have resisted.

2. Personal growth

It pushed me to look within and find the necessary resources from a deeper place. The outcome is real and tangible personal growth i.e. arriving at a higher level of equilibrium.

3. Clarity of thought and expression

Post-cancer, I went through a painful process of fundamentally de-constructing and re-constructing myself at every level in the attempt to understand myself. In this exploration my intrinsic gift revealed itself unmistakably – clarity of thought and expression, which makes me an effective communicator and coach. This insight gave new direction and momentum to my life.

4. Finding my true calling

Like most people, Nilima and I began by viewing cancer as a rude interruption to our well-set life. But we soon realised that our experience was not only about us and we felt called to play a wider role. My first career (in Advertising) was a personal passion and very fulfilling, but I had a sense that it was ending.

Post cancer, I first moved from handling clients to a strategy/talent development role. Then I focused on building leaders and leadership teams. Then the big move: leaving my comfortable corporate career, becoming an independent consultant, and returning to India.

5. Contributing towards the greater good

We started by helping individuals informally, slowly moved to organising small workshops, then began to conduct week-long intensive residential retreats and then set up an organisation to scale-up our work so more people can benefit. We are more ‘present’ and more connected to ‘Presence’.

6. The birth of Cancer Awakens

This website is a key marker of our journey and as it has ripened, we have grown enormously.  Along the way, new relationships have formed, many have strengthened and some have withered.

We continue to explore a wide range of healing tools, techniques and traditions. Based upon lived experience, a powerful and comprehensive cancer protocol has emerged, which our clients are benefiting from and which we have shared through our work. The mist has cleared and the path ahead is more visible.

This is how we have honoured cancer, and found a new life.

We hope that you will be inspired and find it in yourself to do the same! Please leave your comments, and share your experiences with us in the comments section below.


  • How would you describe your relationship with cancer: fear or acceptance, friend or foe, trauma or transformation?
  • What can you do to ‘honour’ cancer instead of ‘fighting’ it?
  • How ready are you to ‘fork in the road’ i.e. change the ‘direction’ of your life and not just re-order your priorities?
  • Reflect on your life before and after cancer. What has your cancer experience taught you? How has your worldview changed as a result?


  1. hi vijay,
    i learnt from you and nilima how to honour my cancer. It really works . I am indeed a transformed preson . Thanks to you both.YYou both are doing a wounderful work .
    love, jaishree

    • Dear Jaishree, so happy to see your post. Yes indeed, you are what Dr. Bernie Siegel, the world renowned cancer expert would call an ‘E-CaP’, ie exceptional cancer patient. And what we at Cancer Awakens call a cancer ‘thriver’ (more than a survivor). Your own story is worth sharing here and we urge you to help inspire others. Do tell readers what specifically you did/do to transform and heal your life. Write! 

  2. Dear Vijay, I have been suffering from Hepatitis C for the past three years and the disease is causing me a great deal of agony — physical, mental as well spiritual. I believe what works for cancer works for other chronic and dangerous ailments as well, and would be grateful if you would indicate whether you would be willing to take on my case 

  3. Respected,
    Vijay & Nilima:)
    Myself Karthikeyan, frm Bangalore, I’ave read your post on cancer survivor on newspaper, I liked it. Im not a cancer patient, but I like to be the part of those people who are suffering frm this effect. My Love goes to all the people who are suffering from this disease called “cancer”.
    U both have inspired me a lot. Thank u !
    I Honour u both & to all those who are suffering frm these disease… I can just say them to be positive and stay positive and be strong.

    • Dear Karthikeyan, Many thanks for your kind words and encouragement. One tangible way for you to help the cancer cause is to please share our site widely, with those who will benefit from it. Vijay


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