Cancer: The Unexpected Guru (Jeff Foster)


Jeff Foster, the famous author and spiritual teacher from England explains how cancer can be the biggest lesson. Read on to find out how cancer is your unexpected guru. 

Cancer: The beginning of a new life

A cancer diagnosis is not the end of your life. It is, perhaps, the end of the life you had hoped for, expected, planned, wanted or been promised.

It is the shattering of the old dreams of “my life”. But perhaps the initial shock hails the beginning of a new life, a more authentic, connected, honest, conscious, loving life, however ‘long’ you have left, for this journey requires very little time.

Reconnecting with yourself

Perhaps it is an invitation to remember yourself, focus, breathe, root out the unnecessary violence in your relationships and in yourself, a call to shine light on those pockets of suffering you would have never paid attention to before.

indexIt is a rude awakening, to be sure! – and you may wish to rewind the movie, or at least fast-forward to the future scene of total healing and remission. That would be nice. But you might miss the grace of the journey, the unexpected gifts along the way.

True healing goes deeper than the removal of symptoms, deeper even than growth or remission, illness or death. It’s the discovery of who you really are, cancer or no cancer at all, medical intervention or not. It’s the remembering of love, connection, the peacefulness at the core of things, the ground on which you stand.

You are not, and will never be, a cancer victim, even a cancer survivor. No story can define you, no good story or bad story. You are life itself, and the presence or absence of symptoms is no excuse for forgetting this. Let everything heal you, let the moment be your guide, remember to breathe, and know where you are.


  • What is your relationship with cancer … how healthy or disturbed is it?
  • How will you transform your outlook to see it as the ‘beginning of a new life’ rather than as a ‘death sentence’?
  • How have your core beliefs and dreams changed during your cancer journey?
  • What activities help you to reconnect with your inner self?


Excerpts from Jeff Foster‘s experiences.


  1. I was diagonosed of Chronic Lymphocytic Leaukemia (CLL) in 2009 .It was first wait and watch.The TLC in my CBC was going up gradually. Then I got skin lessions in 2011, and was advised to take Chlorumbusil with Prednisolone starting in April 2011.I took 16 cycles of 15 days each, orally, till Jan 2012, and stopped thereafter. After this I go for a three monthly check up.For my skin I consult a dermetologist . I try to be regular with my walks and some physical exercise and keep doing some advisory work. I am 74 years old.I would like to know more about your organisation and see how I could associate with it for our mutual benefit. Regards. RC Kehar.


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