Meet Sherpa: Chandni Lamba

Caregiver since 2008: Wegener’s Granulomatosis, Endometrial Cancer, Bladder Cancer

We’re excited to welcome Mumbai-based Chandni Lamba to our gang of Cancer Awakens Sherpas. Chandni is a trained AIDS/HIV advocate and a NLP practitioner. Her previous career was in Banking and she is currently an independent consultant. She has an M.A. in Sociology and a Diploma in Sales & Marketing.

I was diagnosed with a benign lung carcinoid in 2012. I have been the primary caregiver to my two sisters – one with Wegener’s Granulomatosis (2008), the other with Endometrial cancer (Stage 2B-C in 2010) – and her brother-in-law, with Bladder cancer (2010). I have also supported close to 10 friends with different types and stages of cancer.

It has been a nightmare. Family and friends are supportive, but the doctors don’t have the time to explain and clarify doubts. Cancer has changed my lifestyle for the better: food habits, weight loss and spirituality. I try to lead a balanced life.

My biggest lesson

Focus on being and staying healthy yourself … before helping others, even your own family members.

My motivation to become a cancer-coach

I want to help people who do not understand the consequences, outcomes, actions and reactions of cancer and related illnesses.

My experience at the Coaching workshop

It was an eye-opener. I learnt how to embrace the disease because it is really a part of you. Cancer calls for shifting your way of life to overcome self-imposed barriers. This can create a launch-pad for a long future.

You can reach any of our Sherpas at


  1. I have not ever seen such a driven and motivational in my life.You were a kind of biggest success as you have told the lessons we cannot learn by ourself..God bless you.Regards Rajwinder kaur


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