Maria Claudia’s Win Over Breast Cancer Using Complementary Therapies


52-year-old Cancer Thriver Maria Claudia used complementary therapies to thrive cancer. She shares her journey.

Maria Claudia White was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 and was advised to undergo aggressive treatment that included surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. While considering her options, she also sought help for complementary therapies at the Duke Integrative Medicine center in North Carolina, USA.

In her own words

“My life has completely changed since starting integrative therapies. Looking back, I realize that I didn’t sleep enough—I had so much to do that sleeping more than three or fours hours a night was just an inconvenience. I was gaining weight, and I didn’t handle stress as well as I thought. I just ignored it. But now, I’ve learned how to eat better, sleep better, breathe properly—I’ve even lost 20 pounds! Don’t get me wrong—it has been a difficult journey. But it has been an amazing one. I am more enlightened now.

At first, I was skeptical about trying all these therapies. I thought all this integrative medicine stuff was fluff and not as effective as treatments. But I realize now that cancer patients need conventional medicine and alternative therapies to beat this disease—I’m living proof.”



  1. This is a wonderful post. Women can feel more empowered with the possibility of being able to
    lower the likelihood of getting breast cancer by living a healthier
    overall life.

  2. @9426d1e02bd23f8860a832dea7720fb5:disqus @b2efb095cef699b957dc3b456dadfe57:disqus Thank you for your encouragement.


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