Macrobiotics and Cancer: Top 10 Self-Healing Traits (3 of 5)


Verne Varona is a New York based health educator and a highly sought after speaker on health, fitness and motivation. In this 3rd article article of the series, let us explore the top 10 self-healing traits that each one of us possess.

One Destination, Many Paths

The healing journey is composed of many paths all leading to the same destination: the place where body, mind and spirit are resurrected.

The path, or paths we choose to adventure on should be based on fulfilling the incomplete areas of our lives; areas we have neglected, that beg for greater self-nurturance and expression.

These paths may be named Faith, Purpose, Nutrition, Love, Honesty, Compassion, Immunity, Passion, Spirit, Forgiveness and Gratitude.

In the relatively young field of Allopathic medicine – the kind that’s practiced by most conventional medical doctors today – we have only recently recognized that healing efforts must not only be personalized for the patients special needs, but must offer some semblance of control, encouraging the patient to make informed choices instead of being hi-pressured by “experts” into believing that there are no other options available.

10 Top Self-Healing Traits

It is Macro-biotics, not Micro-biotics. And, that’s a good thing. Macro means large and reminds us to consider all the factors that entail living a large life. Clinical research, as well as scores of anecdotal testimony, has repeatedly shown that the people who survive cancer often do so with the support of the following ten traits:

  1. Life Purpose
  2. Positive Attitude
  3. Good Nourishment
  4. Healthy Lifestyle
  5. Manageable Stress
  6. Sense of Humor
  7. Love and Social Support
  8. Emotional Expression
  9. Physical Exercise
  10. Strong Faith

These ten traits can have a vital healing influence. In my seminars, I ask participants to consider the areas they need to emphasize for more comprehensive healing.

Hopefully, an inner dialogue is inspired that begins to redefine and question everything about the way we live, love and care for ourselves. The beginning of whole healing occurs when we commit ourselves to examining and integrating those missing ingredients, which are essential for a more healthy, passionate and resilient life that can only be savoured by living each moment fully for the present.


  • Rather than settling for the one-size-fits-all treatment, what can you do to make your treatment more personalised?
  • What are the areas of your self, relationships and life that you have been neglecting? What can you do to address it?
  • How can you use the self-healing traits to achieve healthy mind and healthy body?


Article adapted from the work of Verne Varona. For over thirty-five years, his lectures, workshops and media appearances have motivated thousands of people to take better and more conscious care of their health. He studied Oriental Medicine and Macrobiotic principles at the East West Foundation of Boston, Massachusetts.

Verne co-created, The ODDS (Off Dangerous Drugs Safely) Program to reverse pharmaceutical and over-the-counter drug dependency with dietary and lifestyle guidelines. He has authored two books: Nature’s Cancer-Fighting Foods and Macrobiotics for Dummies.

More from this series

Title About the article
Part 1: Introduction As an adult though, I saw my health dramatically improve when I adopted balanced whole foods and macrobiotic principles. Today, I have more energy, clarity and endurance than ever before with normal digestion, allergy relief and increased immunity.
Part 2: How Cancer Occurs To address a multi-factorial disease like cancer, we need a multi-dimensional approach to healing and this is where Macrobiotics comes in.
Part 3: The Top 10 Self Healing Traits The healing journey is composed of many paths all leading to the same destination: the place where body, mind and spirit are resurrected.
Part 4: The Role of Food in Healing Because food becomes part of our blood chemistry influencing our entire physiology, we should examine the role that it plays in restoring health. Essentially, food helps our body prevent and overcome disease in four ways
Part 5: Sugar, Enzymes & Food Textures From a dietary standpoint, the little that we know about cancer is that simple sugar (strong acid-forming foods) fuels cancer development. Cancer cells are the first to take up blood glucose.


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