Dietary Principles For Cancer Prevention

cancer prevention diet

A healthy diet also plays an important role in cancer prevention. We also name it ‘cancer prevention diet’. But what should you eat, what you shouldn’t? Read on to find out the dietary principles for cancer prevention.

Most noteworthy and a long-awaited scientific report on cancer states plain and simple that the more pounds you’re carrying ie, the more your weight, the greater your risk of developing one or more of 17 cancers.

The Impact Of Cancer Prevention Diet

After analyzing 7,000 scientific studies, the World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research made 8 cancer prevention diet recommendations you can use to lower the odds of developing cancer.

Read what else can be done along with cancer prevention diet

8 Dietary Recommendations

  1. Be as lean as possible: Aim for a Body-mass Index of 21-23
  2. Be active: Aim for 60 min (moderate) or 30 min (vigorous) exercise daily
  3. Avoid energy-dense foods and sugary drinks: Aim to keep high-fat, highly processed, fast-foods and carbonated beverages down to a minimum
  4. Eat mostly plant-based foods: Furthermore, aim for 5 servings of non-starchy foods daily (potato, yam, cassava, sweet potato don’t count!) Include legumes and whole-grain daily; limit refined-grain like white bread and pasta.
  5. Limit red meat and avoid processed meats: In addition, aim for less that 18 oz of red meat (goat, pork, beef) per week. Stay away from processed/ pickled meats at all costs!
  6. Limit alcohol: Men (max 2 drinks daily); Women (max 1 drink daily)
  7. Limit salt and salt-preserved foods: Make sodium a reasonable part of your cancer prevention diet. Aim for a sodium intake of less that 2400m.g. per day
  8. Don’t bank on pills: Furthermore, stay with a fresh, healthy diet. (Some supplements and high-dose nutrients actually increase cancer risk.)


Written by a first-year student of Mount Carmel College, Bangalore who wishes to remain anonymous.


  1. In fact my wife was diagonised with Multiple Myeloma in June 2010 and underwent chemo till December, along with Tibetian medicines. She has recovered satisfactorily due to the holistic combination of Allopathy and Tibetian Ayurveda. I should also acknowledge the wonderful contribution of wheatgrass in her recovery.
    Your article on the dos’ and donts’ is really helpful. Thanks, Sree

    • Thanks for your comment and your encouragement. Delighted to know your holistic approach has worked so effectively and that your wife is doing well! Vijay


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