Cancer Coach Certification – SHERPA Program

Say Hello to 13 SHERPAs

This unique Cancer Coach Certification – SHERPA Program is built around our Holistic and Integrated protocol. It comprises 80 hours of classroom training plus 20 hours of online training. Classroom training is conducted in a 10-day experiential workshop. Content includes interactive sessions, individual and group activities, opportunities to practice your skills … and lots of fun!

Dire need for non-medical care

If cancer has touched you directly or indirectly, you know that trauma and suffering are constant companions on the daunting journey. Great confusion prevails, with too much (well-meaning) advice and too little insight. And since the doctors don’t have the time, there is a real need for empathy and guidance at key moments. Unfortunately, for most people, there is no one to provide non-medical care. Our Cancer Coach Certification – SHERPA Program is designed to bridge this gap.

You can use the insights from your own experience, receive formal training and help reduce the suffering of others. In other words, you can ‘Give Back To Cancer’!

Who is a Sherpa?

cancer coach certification processSherpas are the legendary mountain guides from Nepal. Their hardiness, expertise and experience with dangerous terrain at very high altitudes makes them exemplary guides, navigators and mentors, for elite mountain-climbers. Their unique climbing ability comes from a genetic adaptation to high altitudes.

Sherpas don’t seek personal glory; their FULFILLMENT comes from enabling other climbers to reach the summit!

In the same way, patients and families need an experienced and well-trained Cancer SHERPA to hand-hold them through the journey.

Cancer Awakens SHERPA: Friend, Mentor, Guide, Expert

As a Cancer Awakens SHERPA, you will be uniquely and superbly qualified to help clients walk the path from ‘trauma-to-transformation’. Your role is to reframe cancer as a growth experience (an opportunity to thrive) rather than a death-sentence (meaningless suffering, to be stoically and bravely borne). This is crucial for clients to become THRIVERs and create ‘The New Normal’. In essence, you will:

S: Shift their mindset
H: Harness their resources
E: Enable their focus
R: Reframe their approach
P: Power-up their determination
A: Affirm their progress

How to sign up for the Cancer Certification – SHERPA Program

A. Selection Criteria

cancer coach certification institutesWe choose our SHERPAs very carefully, for obvious reasons. To be eligible for our Cancer Coach Certification – SHERPA Program, you must demonstrate:

  1. A close-up experience of cancer, as a survivor/ thriver, caregiver or practitioner
  2. A keen interest in Holistic & Integrated approaches to illness & health
  3. Genuine commitment of 15-18 hours per week (incl. late evenings and weekends) to provide structured coaching services, online
  4. Concrete steps taken on your own healing and growth journey, i.e. you must be a ‘seeker-on-the-path’
  5. A sincere aspiration to become a “beacon of light and hope” in your family and community
  6. A strong desire to learn, share and practice the necessary skills and protocols
  7. Fluent in written/ spoken English
  8. Have online/ broadband access at home, and be familiar with the internet
  9. Willing to be interviewed and sign a contract with Cancer Awakens

B. Program Structure

The Cancer Coach Certification – SHERPA Program consists of the following:

1. Pre-Workshop: Preparation

  • Be familiar with the Cancer Awakens ethos and approach
  • Browse our blog, view our videos and read our book ‘My Cancer is Me’
  • Attend 4 video-conference calls of 90 min. each
  • Complete assigned projects

2. Cancer Coach Certification Workshop

  • Full attendance at a 10-day intensive, immersive, residential workshop
    • Venue: To be announced shortly
    • Next program dates: To be announced shortly.
  • The curriculum focuses on learning and practising
    • The Holistic & Integrated protocol
    • Coaching skills: Values, Listening, Questioning, Feedback & Influencing
    • View curriculum outline here

3. Post-Workshop: Follow-up

  • 4-6 calls (by video-conference) of 90 min each
  • Complete assigned projects

C. Program Fee

  • Indian candidates: Rs. 80,000/- nett (plus 18% GST); International candidates: USD 1500/-
  • Fee covers
    • 80 hours of class-room training & activities
    • 20 hours of online training
    • Full board & lodge plus all facilities, equipment, materials, etc.
  • The fee does not cover your travel to Mumbai, if any.
  • Payment terms
    • Deposit at sign-up: Rs. 30,000/- (USD 500)
    • Balance payment 30 days before program start: Rs. 50,000 (USD 1000)
    • Click here for payment options

Previous Program: Archives

We held our inaugural Cancer Coach Certification – SHERPA Program from 3-12th November 2017, at Kautilya Leadership Centre. 13 SHERPAs from India, Singapore & USA came together and took a giant leap towards offering a pioneering cancer-care coaching service.

  • View Sherpa Profiles here
  • View Photo Gallery here
  • View SHERPA feedback here

Here is some verbatim feedback from our SHERPAs.

“Invigorating. I had a paradigm shift from being a ‘necessary soothsayer’ to becoming a ‘beacon’ in a patient’s life. That’s HUGE!”

“The shift from ‘Self’ to ‘Service’. Shadow Values, Presence Practice, Family Constellation and the Feedback framework were powerful tools.”

“It was the first time that I was in a space where cancer felt ‘normal’, with people who had similar journeys to mine. I came back home with lots of learning, feeling inspired, liberated and empowered.”

Enrol now, to ‘give back to Cancer’!

If you feel called to become a Cancer Awakens SHERPA, this Cancer Coach Certification – SHERPA Program is for you. To enrol, please contact us or email Anamika Chakravarty on

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” background=”#0e1374″ center=”yes” radius=”round” icon=”icon: external-link”]Enrol for the SHERPA Program[/su_button]


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