Cancer Awakens Newsletter - Aug 2018
Message from Vijay
A hospital is no place to be sick” (Samuel Goldwyn) and “How many desolate people have learnt the simple dues of fellowship and social comfort, in a hospital” (Elizabeth Barrett Browning). These 2 quotes are on opposite ends of how most people experience hospitalisation. The unpleasant reality of cancer is that you will be in and out of hospitals a lot!. This month, thriver Ameena Meer shares some powerful insights on how you can “survive hospitalisation” as she calls it. And once the hospital ordeal is behind you, how do you deal with an uncertain future? Cancer-Coaching can help. We also profile some of our trained SHERPAs, who can help you navigate the daunting journey. Please comment and share as you always do. Warmly, Vijay.
How To Survive Hospitalisation
Surviving Hospitalisation: The First Trip (2 of 7)
Surviving Hospitalisation: Think Small (3 of 7)
Surviving Hospitalisation: Befriend Your Doctor (7 of 7)
Meet The Cancer Awakens Sherpas
Caregiver from 2008-2013:
Ovarian Cancer
Having lost his wife (Anuja) to cancer, Anand wants to help others to appreciate the importance of -acceptance.
Thriver since 2011:
Breast Cancer
Anju wants to help others discover the Holistic approach and social support that helped her heal.
Thriver since 2008:
Ovarian Cancer
Jaishree wants to help people understand the body’s innate healing abilities and to love themselves.
Thriver since 2002:
Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Viji wants to promote empathy and optimism as a way to see cancer as a transformative experience.
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