American Cancer Society


The American Cancer Society is a great resource for information, research and support when it comes to cancer. We help you understand how you can use the website effectively as a cancer patient, caregiver or just someone who wants to be aware.

The American Cancer Society was originally founded in 1913 by 15 physicians and business leaders in New York with the name American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC). The present name (ACS) was adopted in 1945 and it is presently headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.


The ACS website is attractive, informative and very detailed. The 5 main sections deal with various aspects of cancer

  • Different types of cancer
  • Staying healthy
  • Finding support and treatment
  • Research
  • How to get involved

There is plenty of information available about each type of cancer, covering what it is, causes, risk factors and prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatments, latest research, and post-treatment tips. Besides, the “stories of hope” and “in the news” sections are also interesting and topical.


The site also encourages viewers to engage and maintain a 2-way dialogue. They provide useful diagnostic tools like a BMI calculator, a calories counter, health quizzes and a target heart rate calculator too.

Another highly interactive area is the ‘Getting involved’ section. You can sign up and volunteer to help organize various events or just make a donation.

Other Sections

There is plenty of wisdom and knowledge not only for patient, but also for caregivers, which covers financial aspects (insurance, benefits, and assistance programs, etc.) Very useful indeed, because these aspects tend to be neglected, at least in countries like India.


Overall, I felt grateful to ACS for maintaining such a comprehensive website which provides all the relevant medical information regarding cancer, addressing both patients and care-givers. A great complement to Cancer Awakens, don’t you agree?


This article was contributed by a student of Mount Carmel College who wishes to remain anonymous.



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